The Constitution of Friends of Romiley Park
1. Name
a. The name of the group is Friends of Romiley Park (FRP)
2. Definitions
a. "Community" means Friends of Romiley Park
b. "Romiley" means any place within the boundaries of Romiley Ward
c. "Residents" means with regard to Romiley, all residents and land-owners and includes proprietors of business, and appointed representatives of educational establishments, and social and religious organisations.
d. "Council" means Stockport M.B.C., and includes its subsidiary bodies, elected Members and employees.
e. "Park" means Romiley Park, including the formal gardens, playing areas, play equipment and access ways.
f. "Recreational Facilities" means the recreational facilities of any type provided for the Residents.
3. Objects
a. To have regard for all aspects of the provision of Recreational Facilities.
b. To represent the the interests of the Residents to the Council on matters of Recreational Facilities.
c. To promote the use, care and improvement of the Park and other Recreational Facilities.
d. To raise and expend funds for the improvement of the Park and other Recreational Facilities.
4. Members
a. All individual Residents are eligible for membership.
b. Corporate organisations in Romiley may each appoint one Member who need not be a Resident.
c. Council representatives, whether Residents or not, may not be members.
d. Membership will be free of charge.
5. Officers
a. A Chairperson will be elected from amongst Members.
b. A Treasurer will be elected from amongst Members.
c. Election of Chair and Treasurer will be by rotation every two years.
d. A Secretary will be appointed who need not be a Member.
e. An Auditor will be appointed annually from amongst the Residents who are not members.
6. Meetings
a. Meetings will be held in a public venue in Romiley.
b. Meetings will be held not less than once every six months.
c. The first meeting in any year shall be the Annual General Meeting.
d. Meetings will normally be held jointly with representatives of the Council.
e. Meetings of Residents separate from the Council will be held if requested by five members.
f. A Minute of proceedings of each meeting will be recorded and kept publicly available for inspection by Members.
7. Sub-committees
a. Sub-committees may be appointed ad hoc.
b. Each sub-committee will report progress to each meeting of the Community.
c. Sub-committees may not ingather, hold, or expend funds.
8. Notice
a. Not less than fourteen days' notice of meetings will be given to every Member.
b. Notice shall be in writing and delivered by post or by hand, or sent by e-mail.
c. Notice will, wherever possible, include the Minute of the previous meeting.
9. Voting
a. Members will be eligible to vote only after attending one meeting.
b. Council representatives, whether, residents or not, may not vote.
c. Voting will normally be by show of hands.
d. Voting will be by ballot if requested by five Members.
10. Finance
a. The Community may ingather and expend funds in whatever means it considers desirable for the purposes of its objects.
b. All funds, except such minor sums as may be necessary to defray secretarial expenses, shall be kept in the name of the Community in account with a Bank or Building Society in Romiley.
c. Amounts of more than £2,500 not required for immediate expenditure shall be kept on deposit.
d. All withdrawals from the Community's account must have prior approval of the Community and require the signature of both the Chairperson and the Treasurer (or other two members expressly appointed for the purpose).
e. The financial year of the Community will be the calendar year.
f. The Treasurer will keep proper books of account available for inspection by any Member.
g. The Treasurer will produce an Annual Balance Sheet for scrutiny by the Auditor before each Annual General Meeting.
Equality and Diversity Policy
The Friends of Romiley Park (FoRP) is a voluntary group which is open to all residents of Romiley. We aim to help keep the park as a place which is welcoming and accessible to all members of the local community. In particular, we aim to treat all volunteers equally, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
All our volunteering work takes place in the park which is accessible to wheelchair users.
We are committed to ensuring any resident of Romiley is able to attend our activities, so we will reassess our access requirements, when necessary.
Volunteering in the park is open to all residents, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. Children or young people under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult, carer, or suitably checked supervisor.
Inclusion and respect
Every resident of Romiley should be made to feel equally welcome and included at gardening sessions and events held in the park.
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise offensive and inflammatory remarks and behaviour are not acceptable. These constitute harassment and have no place in the park.
Dealing with discrimination and harassment
If any volunteer feels they have been discriminated against by the FoRP or harassed at an event they should raise this with the chair or secretary.
The complaint will be investigated by the FoRP, listening to all members involved. (If the complaint is against a member of the FoRP, that member will not be part of conducting the investigation).
If the complaint is against a particular individual, this person will have the opportunity to express their point of view, accompanied by a friend. The person making the complaint will also have this opportunity.
If the complaint is against the organisation as a whole, the FoRP must work to ensure that such discrimination is not repeated in the future and must inform the members of how they propose to do this.
Any decision to exclude a person from the organisation due to discriminatory or harassing behaviour will be made with reference to the FoRP’s constitution. The FoRP will support people who feel they have been harassed or discriminated against and will not victimise or treat them less well because they have raised this.
Safeguarding People at risk
The Friends of Romiley Park recognises its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, as well as any adults at risk who act as volunteers with the FoRP.
This statement is for the use of all volunteers and visitors. Itwill be available to the parents and carers of any children and young people who are volunteering in the park. Through them, we will endeavour to ensure that:
- Children and young people and adults at risk are listened to, valued and respected
- Volunteers are aware of the need to be alert to the signs of abuse and know what to do with their concerns
- All volunteers are given appropriate support and training
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Friends of Romiley Park is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of everyone associated with the organisation and expects all volunteers to share this commitment.
Friends of Romiley Park has a responsibility to ensure that anyone who is taking part in an activity or event that Friends of Romiley Park is promoting, supporting or is clearly associated with, is safe.
This means that one of the issues it needs to consider is Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks (formerly CRB Checks). Where DBS checks are required they must be enhanced and current (less than 3 years old).
Children and young people under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult , carer or suitably checked supervisor.
Those working with adults at risk in an unsupervised setting must have a current enhanced DBS check.
In order to comply with this statement it is the policy of the Friends of the Park that any children or people at risk working with the group must be accompanied by a responsible adult, carer, or suitably checked supervisor.
This statement was adopted by the Friends of Romiley Park in March 2020.