Minutes of the Meeting held on 07September2021at10.00am at Romiley Life Centre

Present: - Philippa Bonorino, Pam ReedJean BartlettBeryl and Alan Smith, Terry Holmes

Apologies:Tracey Adams,AbdulnaserAlshurbaji, John YoungAnne Granby

Minutesof the meeting on 6July2021were accepted as a correct record.

1. Matters arising from the minutes – The filming for the Canal Journeys programme took place but the FoRP were not involved in it.
2. Treasurer’sReport

The balance is £2,722-12. £48.00 was paid to M Warren for T-shirts

Action Plan

• Trees – Some tree work was carried out in July, mainly removing low branches and the canopy that had been above part of the school bed.We need to speak to the Arboriculture Officer aboutreplacement for the Liquidamber behind the petrol station and the group of Birchesscheduled to be planted in the autumnPB/AC
• Wet beds Regular maintenance is needed for the bed by the gym equipment, which has put on a good show already this year. The bed by the school side entrance will be rejuvenatedin the Autumn or early SpringTH
• Centre bed- Regular maintenance has continued.The bed is looking duller than this time last year, with the disappearance of some Helenium. Replacement Helenium and Echinacea are to be planted.The candelabra primulasare to be split and replanted. There is still a path being taken through part of the bed which needs blocking.BS/AS/ PB
• Optician’s bed – It was agreed that Alan would plant a group of Helenium to brighten up the section furthest from the roadAS
• School bed – Tracey andJeanhave improvedthe bed nearest to the road. Regular maintenance is needed. The central section will be discussed at the on-site meeting (see below).TA/JB
• Compstall Road – this bed needs to be workedonat the end of September and the Mahonia moved from the school bed when the soil is no longer so dryPB/AS
• Carlton Avenue – Regular maintenance should keep the grass weeds under control, now the bed is established. PB
• Tubs Thanks to Jean, Pam and Barbara for keeping the tubs looking good this year. Regular maintenance will continue.Terry reported that the local Lions have offered to sponsor a tub. The suggestion was welcomed and will be discussed again at the next meeting. JB/PR/TH
• Edging – thanks to John and Damian for keeping on top of this.
• Wildflower meadowWork has started on removing as many of the Docks as possible. The next step is to have the area close mown, then scarify it and sow Yellow Rattle seed.Dock root removal will continue at the next gardening session. A scarifier will probably have to be hired. AC/AS/PB
3. Christmas Social event – It was agreed to hold a Christmas meal, preferably at the Hare and Hounds. Jean will check availability for early December JB
4. Gardening Wednesday 15 September andSaturday 25 SeptemberPB
5. The nextmeetingwill take place on Tuesday 2November at 10.00at the Life CentreThanks to the Life Centre for hosting us
6. On-site meeting 
• School bed – the area in the centre next to the school wall that has been opened by the removal of much of the tree canopy can now have a more interesting and coherent design applied to it. Initial plans are to clear most of the existing planting, including moving some of the cotoneaster bushes to one side, so that climbers can be planted against the wall and improve the soil. In front there will be drifts of plants. Planting plans will be discussed further and decisions made for planting in the Spring.
• Beech hedge – the hedge was trimmed but none of the thicker branches removed, so we will continue to tidy them where we can.
• Centre bed – the Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage) needs cutting back in the Spring; the Dahlias will need lifting before the frosts; Echinacea purpurea is to be planted behind the primulas; some prickly Berberis is to be moved to block the pathway through the bed.

Next gardening sessions

15 and 25 September10.00 – 12.00

All welcome.      Volunteers required.