Minutes of the Meeting held on 04 May 2021 at 10.00am on Zoom.

Present: - Tracey Adams (Chair), Philippa Bonorino, Pam Reed, Jean Bartlett
Apologies: Beryl and Alan Smith, Terry Holmes, Debbie Barraclough, Abdulnaser Alshurbaji, John Young, Glenys Backhouse, Damian Fairbrother Jones
1. Minutes of the meeting on 2 March 2021 were accepted as a correct record.
2. Matters arising from the minutes
• There has still been no contact from the Stockport Talking Newspaper. TA/PB
3. Treasurer’s Report
The balance is £2,770-12. Since the last meeting another cheque for £890.00 has been sent to SMBC for the hire of the tree spade and the purchase of a plane tree, as they appeared to have lost the original, which was sent over a year ago.
4. Action Plan
• Trees – the replacement Amelanchier, ornamental pears and plane tree were planted in March. Thanks to Anthony and his team for acting so quickly. The twisted hazel has been moved from the school entrance to near the Amelanchiers to give it a chance to recover from being vandalised. The magnolia has flowered well in its new position near the Compstall road entrance and looks especially good, now the fence has been replaced. Alan Smith is in discussion with Anthony Crook about planting the group of Birches. The rest of the tree work has now been scheduled for July 2021 AS/AC
• Ferns and plants –ferns and foxgloves provided by members have been planted in the school and optician’s beds.
• Wood chippings – Alan established that there is still none available but the bases of trees can be cleared in readiness. (Update: chippings to be delivered for 29 May) AS/PB/TA
• Wet beds –The bed by the school side entrance has been weeded and will be given a similar overhaul to the one by the gym equipment after the Iris have flowered. TH
• Carlton Avenue – the new bed has enhanced the appearance of the entrance, with the newly donated shrubs adding colour but it needs weeding again. A start has been made in clearing the areas along the backs of the houses but need more work. PB
• Central bed - Regular maintenance will continue. Tracey will bring dahlias for planting at the end of May. BS/AA/TA
• School bed – Jean and Glenys will be work on this area. JB/GB
• Compstall Road – A general maintenance session was carried out in March. The cordylines will need thinning the next time we work there. PB
• Tubs –The tub near the Carlton Avenue entrance, which Barbara is looking after, has suffered from some ASB but the plants have been replaced. Jean has planted small geraniums to brighten up the remaining tubs. The next job will be cutting back the bulb foliage. JB
• Edging – to be included in the regular maintenance as other priorities allow. TA/JY
• The plan to create an area of wild flower meadow has been put back because of the pandemic restrictions on working in the park. AC/AS/PB

5. Gardening – Tuesday 11 May and Saturday 29 May. PB/TA

6. AOB
• Welcome to new volunteer Damian.
• Autumn event – to be on the agenda for the next meeting. PB

7. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 6 July at 10.00. at the Life Centre, we hope. The dates for the rest of the year are on the website.

Next gardening sessions: 11 and 29 May 10.00 – 12.00

All welcome. Volunteers required.